Pictures of the seventh leg of the journey to Alaska
April 18, 2010
 Thanks Nancy! Happy hiking next year.
 Crossing Smith River.
 Robin stretches to see as much as she can of the countryside.
 Thanks California! We've enjoyed our three month long stay. From desert to mountains to beaches to the big cities. You're one fine state to explore.
 There is still some drop left Elizabeth!
 There is 363 miles of Oregon waiting for us; if we take the coast all the way.
 This one is for you Robin!
 Yeah! Robin.
April 21, 2010
 Today's target is Gold Beach.
 A mistique view of the coast.
 The sun is trying to break through. But it is still very very very cold.
 Trees on the hillside.
 Rocks on the beach or beach at the rocks.
 More beauty on the coast.
April 22, 2010
 Good morning Rogue river! What a beautiful sight to wake up to.
 It's very windy, but the sun is picking up the heat.
 The chains are slacking. So much so that they pop off on a regular basis.
 Humbug mountain. Where does the road go?
 Time for a picnic at the foot of Humbug mountain.
 All that playing makes you thirsty. One last drink before we jet on again.
April 23, 2010
 A Siberian tiger is basking in the sun.
 Robin is petting skunk Daisy.
 Robin is trying to climb high enough so she can pet Slippers and Flippers. Skunk Daisy is in the foreground.
 The capybara is a super size guinnea pig.
 We're calling it a white peacock, but is it?
 Checking out the bearcat.
 This goat is after Robins last animal food.
 Time for an interview with KCBY. Bill of Gib's RV Superstore, on right, has our trailer and gear in the back of his pick-up. With the fierce headwind it sure makes a difference.
 Arriving at the bridge north of Bandon. About 10 miles went missing between the beginning of Bandon and the bridge. We arrived in town with milemarker 272 and left at 261. The town is really not that big!
April 24, 2010
 Moe's bicycle store is located in the northern outskirts of North Bend, just before the bridge. And right across from a play ground!
 Cheyenne is monkeying around.
 Amarins' handle bars are rewrapped. Robins bottom pedals have been cut off, so her feet won't get stuck again. Jasmine's legs are getting so long, her saddle had to be raised a lot. New handle bars keep her from leaning over.
 A new derailleur cable with a lucky dice on it.
 The bridge across the bay. our challenge for tomorrow.
 Dutch & German
April 25, 2010
 Thanks for all your help Bill!
 Moe arrives at the perfect time: celebrating our 5000th mile. Thanks for helping us get the bicycle back in shape!
 Jasmine is now as tall as Bill is on her high saddle.
 We're having a heat wave!
 Jasmine is wearing a flower bracelet made of non-native daisies and buttercups.
 Cheyenne wears one too.
April 26, 2010
 This giant 'lettuce' grows in the ditch alongside the road. We've seen it grow in abundance in more swampy areas.
 The tongue is Cheyenne's trademark.
 We're heading east on highway 38. Inland, then up to Eugene and Portland.
 A pretty homestead across the Umpqua river.
April 28, 2010
 Too many choices.
 Look at the fish we caught!
 Braids of braids.
 Robin with attitude. What's new.
April 29, 2010
 It's an iffy day. Rain or shine are taking turns.
 The creek flows by in full force.
 We're taking the secret shortcut to Lorane. No need to be on the interstate.
 Blue sky once more as we're heading up the hill (soon to be mountain).
 Steam rises up from the road.
April 30, 2010
 We turn off the Territorial highway to Eugene.
 We did it! It's a first!
 We stop at the bicycle factory.
 Photographer Paul of the Register-Guard works hard for his pictures.
 The sleeping bags are airing out under a blooming apple tree.
 Drying out the tent.
May 1, 2010
 Girlpower! Amarins, Greta, Sofie, Meggie, Greta and Elaine at the top. Robin, Jasmine and Cheyenne at the bottom.
 Meet Daisy the rooster.
 Riding along the tracks under a cloudy sky.

 An ever changing sky.
 Jasmine is singing My Old Kentucky Home for Mrs Malloney, as Robin tells her what's happened on the road.
 Riding through the valley; an ever changing view.
 So close to Portland! We've covered quite some ground.
May 2, 2010
 A bright yellow field in Oregon.
 The road up the hill takes us between the hazelnut trees, along the berry bushes.
 The road takes us for surprises. How to get from here to there?
 Arrival in the river town Independence, ready for lunch.
 A hazelnut grove in the Willamette river valley.
 Chestnut blossom.
 Jasmine's drawing; a snow man... It fits the weather very well, considering the temperatures we've been having.
May 3, 2010
 Like the federal government, each state has a House of Representatives and a Senate. The Governor is the head of the state.
 Time for a souvenir: a penny with an impression reminding us of our stay in Salem.
 Bill is hugging the biggest ginkgo tree he's ever seen.
 Kids with kittens.
May 4, 2010
 After a day of being chased by the rain we find shelter at the Chapel of the Nazarenes in Canby.
 A field of opportunities.
 Cheyenne and Jasmine are reading together in the back part of the tent.
May 5, 2010
 Carolyn is in full tenue for her ride with us. The bunny-hat tips it off.
 Visibility comes first!
 Admiring the bike rack as we're taking shelter once more from the rain.
 Carolyn knows every overhang in town. This one comes in very handy.
 Arrival in Portland.
 Host Craig is riding with very special cargo: baby Clementine.
 Carolyn rides through town with a bunny tail on! Giving us all a good laugh.
 Marching out of the play room to the great outdoors.
 Ellie gets beautified by Robin.
May 6, 2010
 We're going to lunch at shoe company Keen.
 The blue sky looks like a strange phenomenon.
May 7, 2010
 Jasmine admires the fountain.
 Good luck with your bicycle races!
May 10, 2010
 Thanks for the hospitality Beth and Joe!
 Getting to the top of St. Johns.
 Undercover girl.
 We're on the trail of Lewis and Clark.
 Bill compares the size of our bicycle to the size of the Lincoln.
 Jasmine is coloring, while Amarins is trying to figure out a logical puzzle.
May 12, 2010
 A tree bouquet.
 The Columbia once more.
 With the owners of the brewery.
 Going down the sidewalk with Scott's son.
 Four miles long...
 It's an impressive bridge.
May 13, 2010
 Still climbing.
 Thanks again Vern and Park service workers!
 Down down down we go.
 Arrival in Washington. State 15!
 Washington scenery.
 As soon as we've set up camp we have our first visitor... wondering when supper is being served...
 Robin and Jasmine have found a new home.
 To the edge of the continent.
 The force of the ocean winds.
May 14, 2010
 Jasmine on the rocks.
 The marshes, influenced by the tide.
 Cheyenne holds the salamander.
 Robin wants to walk the trail up in the woods.
 Enjoying the warmth of the pavement.
 The cut to the ocean.
 Ahh, the sun...
 Riding the hills in Washington.
 We have the sunshine with us all the way.
 So pretty!
 Driftwood provides a haven for a tree.
 North! We go north!
 Everybody say 'Icecream!'
 In the Washington wilderness.
 The tidal river.
May 15, 2010
 This tire is about to go.
 'The Armenian couple'.
 Onward north. Another bridge. To Aberdeen we go. We've almost covered 200 miles this week. Incredible!
May 19, 2010
 Port Angeles is on the radar!
 The girls run to get some more fire wood for in the wood stove.
 Time for a break.
May 20, 2010
 Crossing the Quinault river.
 Cheyenne's drawing: A place mat for her friend Nathan.
May 22, 2010
 Having a laugh with the spotted owl helper.
 Chipping away at the distance to Port Angeles. With the sun on our side we go the distance.
 The crow sends us further on our way after visiting Queets.
 Highway 101 takes us around the edges of Olympic National Park.
 Going down the coniferous lane.
 Lots of trees with bulges on them. Makes for a mysterious forest.
 Wild strawberries and raspberries grow alongside the road. Another month or so and the raspberries will be ready to eat.
 Crossing the Hoh river. The last mile for today. The campground is around the corner.
May 23, 2010
 Entering Forks. It's closer to lunch then the anticipated breakfast we had in mind. Let's see what we can find.
 Bill shows our bicycle during a dry spell. Thanks for the support guys (and lady!)!
 A beautifully carved beaver.
 Valley below the clouds.
 Robin is catching up on the river trail.
 On the river trail with Kristal.
 Camp Pedouin once more.
May 24, 2010
 A toss up day. What will it do? Rain or shine?
 Entering the Lake Crescent area.
 Taking a break at Lake Crescent.
 Amarins and Bill, seeing eye to eye at the lake.
 'Look at this french fry mom!'
 Thanks for visisting Mr&Mrs Cockerell!