Pictures of the fourth leg of the journey to Alaska
October 24, 2009
 The beautiful Leaf River.
October 25, 2009
 We go through forests and pass by fields.
 An ostrich is watching us with curiosity when we take a little break.
 A field of soybeans.
October 26, 2009
 Look girls: a hill!
 Cheyenne's mistery drawing. Find the hidden picture.
 Robins drawing.
 Cheyenne worked hard at finishing the drawings. These she wanted to keep.
 For the library she quickly made another one.
October 28, 2009
 Cheyenne and Jasmine run and cartwheel up and down the hill at our picnic spot.
 The biggest and healthiest persimmon tree we've ever seen.
 The persimmon tree is full of fruit. The persimmon is an old timy fruit.
 The hills keep on rolling. The view is magnificent.
 We are riding alongside thick forests.
November 1, 2009
 One last picture in Natchez. In front of Rosalind. We didn't get a chance to go inside, but tours are available. So maybe next time.
 Crossing into Louisiana on the bridge.
 Looking back on Natchez from the bridge.
 Crossing the bridge. A self portrait.
 A break at the Frogmore plantation provides us with an upclose look of the purple fall flowers.
 Cheyenne holds a fresh picked piece of cotton. The girls now know where the material for their clothing comes from.
 Jasmine the flower girl.
 More cotton.
 No more cotton.
 Bales of cotton. The tractor gives a nice impression of the size of the bales.
 Setting up the tent before the sun is totally down.
 The replacement piece fits perfectly across the broken part of the tent pole.
November 2, 2009
 Flat tire number 11. A total blowout of the rear tire.
 The flat tire provides us with a closer look of the rim. The orange knobs are protectors for the spokes, or actually for the inner tube. The spokes cannot penetrate the innertube because of these protectors.
 These two tiestraps should hold the weakened bar for a while. It holds the front of the trailer just a little bit more above the ground.
 The sun shines so nicely through the trees. The forests are full of coniferous trees.
 A flooded area. The water is receding, causing a current and whirlpools to appear.
November 3, 2009
 Jerry and Bill are figuring out how to tighten the Z-torque. Picture by Jasmine.
 Water is being pumped out of a quarry at full blast.
 Caught the turtles on a log, just before they all jumped in the water.
 Thank you Grayson crew! The food was extremely delicious!
 As Bill is talking with the Chief of Police, Robin decides that the bank is a great 'natural' slide. Hmmm, pink pants plus dirt equals very filthy clothing.
 Fall colors on the Cane River Lake.
 A river flower.
 The Louisiana Purchase.
November 4, 2009
 The trailer is to close to the ground and keeps bumping into bumps in the road.
 Evrybody off! Time to solve a problem.
November 5, 2009
 Mr Bergeron.
 Still 18 miles to the state line. Two more hours by bicycle.
 Rough riding on the shoulder.
 Jasmine is looking back to Louisiana.
 Also Robin is looking back to Louisiana.
 Robin is tickled with the little critter on the handle bar. She wants to touch it, but each time she gets close it moves just enough to scare her away. She does a little giggly dance and comes right back, until the critter finally flies away.
November 6, 2009
 The canteena of Sandra and Bill, at the crossroads in Milam, Texas.
 Yep, we are in Texas. A two lane road, no shoulder, speed limit 70 mph.
 There is something cool about seeing Texas road 1.
 Bill is putting the bolts back in the trailer, after adding a steel rod and drilling new holes.
November 9, 2009
 The road behind us.
 The road ahead of us.

Several toad stools.
 The girls are exploring the forest.
 Cracking open a dead tree. Not because they are looking for bugs, but just because they wanted to crack it open. Sometimes because is the reason.
 Robin is enjoying drinking from Amarins' camel back.
 Thinking of you Berea friends!
 The sun is hiding behind the clouds.
 Robin is enjoying the ice cream wagon, even without putting quarters in it.
 Cheyenne and Jasmine enjoy the playground.
November 10, 2009
 The EMT crew of the Firestation in Crockett.
 Bill is keeping a close eye on Robin. Robin is very intrigued with all the cows.
 A beautiful Texas farm. Set on a hill top.
 What a hill! We get to go down this one. Have the break ready.
 Time to fly down the hill and enjoy the beautiful view.
 A flying Cheyenne.
 The super fast caterpillar. Cheyenne would like to now the specific name!
 Macy with mom and nurse stopped by to bring the girls some candy and juice. Thanks!
November 12, 2009
 At the auto parts store we find an new bolt we can use to attach the pedal.
November 15, 2009

November 16, 2009
 It is a windy and very cool morning. It never realy warms up during the day, with a high of 58 degrees.
 The wind makes the tall grass move like waves in an ocean.
 We are in the rolling hills. There are not many trees. The ones we see are short, perhaps one to two stories tall.
 A large field of sunflowers, waving in the wind. We have a special connection with sunflowers. It started out west when we first met and has continued since. A single sunflowers was our wedding bouquet. It coouldn't have been more appropriate.
 The train in the distance has finally caught up with us. The girls wave and the conductor blew his horn in return.
 The new tent is much more tight this time. The wind is still blowing fiercly as you can tell from the tail of the tent.
November 17, 2009
 Frost on the grass.
 In a Clifton restaurant.
 We are heading into the wind again.
 We stop for goats and donkeys. We bleat to them, they bleat to us. Kindred spirits, ha ha.
 The prairie. Imagine the grass waving in the wind.
November 18, 2009
 A frosty morning. We stayed warm in the tent though.
 Robin the Cowgirl
 Rancher Mike
 Behind the Iredell Cafe, with the owners.
 The former Hico Opera building.
 The old blacksmith shop looks tiny compared to the newer buildings.
November 19, 2009
 Just imagine a fence less prairie.
 Sooo pretty.
 We can see the hills ahead. We are wondering what it will look like when we get closer to the Rocky Mountain range.
 Having a Dublin Dr. Pepper in the Texas prairie grass.
 Mystery picture. It is an intriguing shot.
 Under the Texas sun.
 Watching tv in the Savannah's bedroom. Jasmine gets to be a princess once more.
November 21, 2009
 Cheyenne is warmly wrapped.
 Self portrait.
November 22, 2009
 We're in cactus area.
 The cows are just as curious about us as we are in them. They provide quite a show. The big red bull decides to break up the party. As we leave, the entire herd runs with us for a while.
November 23, 2009
 Time to rest.
 The road ahead.
 The road behind us.
 Looking at the waving grass in the endless fields.
 A warm supper. Chicken, sausage, barbeque. Add a macaroni salad and a coke and the feast is complete.
 We save these hills for tomorrow.
 The sun is setting. Robin is heading for bed.
 The moon is up. The first star is visible. It is almost time for star gazing. Cheyenne can tell by looking at the moon whether it is going to be a full moon or a new moon. This moon tells her it is going to be a full moon next week.
November 24, 2009
 It is as if we are the only ones on the road.
 There are no other vehicles, as far as the eye can see.
 This lady says: "I admire your spunk!" That's one to remember.
November 25, 2009
 We learned something new yesterday. These trees are called Mesquite. Now we put it to use and find them everywhere.
 Robin is working her way down the hill.
 The emptiness, or space, on the road is incredible.
November 28, 2009
 Texas country side.
 The country side is changing.
 This picture was taken on advise of Cheyenne. What a sharp eye.
 Strong legs carrying us across the country.
 Rest on the road side.
 Cheyenne is up a tree again.
 At the Burnham Grill.
 Is it a meteorite? No, it is the sun hiding behind the clouds.
November 29, 2009
 Waiting for the weather to clear. It is to windy to ride, as well as to drizzly wet.
 The temperature is getting there, but with the wind and drizzle, it stays too cold.
 Last minute modifications.
 Cheyenne's indian tribe.
November 30, 2009
 Retooling the bicycle. Robin is getting another seat.
 A beautiful day to climb a tree.
 Playing in the dry leaves.
 Bring it on Jasmine: more leaves!
December 1, 2009
 Right on.
December 3, 2009
 Robin doing the dishes.
 Another helper in the kitchen.
 Comfortable with Ray.
 We finally have new Armadillo tires. The side walls of these tires are much stronger then the ones we've been riding with for the past 1,000 miles. This will reduce the friction on the road. Yes!